For Those Who Wonder

WelcoFTWWme to the “For Those Who Wonder” a site created by Jeff Burton, author of For Those Who Wonder.

The objective of this book and this site is to help Latter-day Saints better manage doubting and “being different” issues.

Borderlands. Over the past twenty years Jeff Burton has authored a series of Sunstone magazine articles, “Braving the Borderlands,” which explores the experiences of Latter-day Saints struggling in the borderlands of LDS activity and acceptance.

These articles are available for free download. Please click on Borderlands Articles at the top of this page. Select desired column and follow download instructions. Get the the first 55 columns combined by going to “Compilation” just below the numbered columns.  New columns are uploaded every few months.

We invite you to share your responses to these articles and your own experiences in the LDS Borderlands. Please send an email to Jeff at: We all benefit from mutual sharing of our successes and failures in the Borderlands.


Symposium.  The Borderlands Session at the 2021 Sunstone Symposium in Salt Lake City (July 30), which dealt with   Borderlands issues, may be of interest to users of this website: 2021 Title: “Doubt.” Presenters: D. Jeff Burton and Stephen Carter. This and older symposium presentations can be accessed by clicking on the “Borderlands Articles” above and find “Extra 4” at bottom of page, etc..

Eternal Borderlands–Detours along the Road to Celestial Glory. This book, which is available for download in the “Borderlands Articles” tab (above), Extras No. 3,  is an expansion of the two “Wormwood” Borderland Column No.s 19 and 22. The book is a satire, from start to finish, but readers will recognize principles and problems all Borderlanders experience. I write fiction and enjoy the challenge of making serious things funny. This book got good reviews from important literary people. (See below.) If you enjoy fiction, satire and the two Wormwood columns, you will like reading this book about the Borderlands experience throughout all eternity. (Remember, this is a satire.) Hard copies are also available. Contact me at:

Book Reviews for Eternal Borderlands

“I am impressed by how intricately Burton has woven Mormon beliefs, folklore and practice into a plot progressing through the pre-existence, mortal life, and the hereafter. I found it very interesting. It is certainly one of the most unusual novels I have ever encountered.” — Levi S. Peterson

“I was thrilled by this book. What a fun way to explore both difficult questions and our traditional approaches of having pat answers and the attitude of having all the answers. As they say, the Devil’s in the details. This is a terrific book!”  Boyd J. Petersen

“D. Jeff Burton has written a very fun book that offers a bunch of tongue-in-cheek satirical ponderings [about the spirit worlds]. This funny satire is, of course, only a convenient vehicle for exploring cultural and universal themes: honesty, forgiveness, repentance, faith, death, redemption, damnation, sexuality, sexism, mind control and so forth.”  Reed Russell

ISBN 1-883992-45-1

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